You have reached the age of maturity in your jurisdiction. The licenses granted in this EULA are specifically conditioned upon the following and your full compliance with all other terms and conditions set forth in this EULA:Ī. In addition to the terms and conditions hereof, when using particular portions of the Game, including without limitation any multi-player, online, or downloadable content, you may be subject to additional guidelines of third party service providers. The Game is licensed, and not sold, and this agreement confers no title or ownership to the Game program or any copy thereof. The Tekken 7 version, including without limitation any multi-player, online or downloadable content thereof (the "Game") is protected by the copyright laws of France, international copyright treaties and conventions and other laws. BY PLAYING THE VIDEO GAME (EITHER ON YOUR SYSTEM OR ONLINE), AND/OR INSTALLING OR OTHERWISE USING THE GAME PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT WITH BNEE.

THE BANDAI NAMCO ENTERTAINMENT'S VIDEO GAME YOU ARE USING (WHICH INCLUDES COMPUTER GAME, MEDIA, AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION IN PRINTED OR ELECTRONIC FORM) IS LICENSED TO YOU ON THE TERMS SET FORTH BELOW, WHICH CONSTITUTES A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND BANDAI NAMCO ENTERTAINMENT EUROPE ("BNEE"). Your continued use of the Game (as defined hereunder) after a revised version has been posted or communicated to you constitutes acceptance by you of its terms. This End User License Agreement ("EULA") may be updated from time to time. For users located in Europe, Middle East and Africa: